Acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, structural alignemnt, and herbal therapy have been used in East Asia for thousands of years as the primary care medicine. This allowed it to evolve deep philosophy and methods to confront and treat any ailment it encountered whether physical, psychological, or spiritual.
Massage therapy has many diverse methods of treatment that can be used to treat a wide array of ailments. Deep tissue and trigger point work focus on muscular imbalances, Shiatsu and Thai focus on meridian and sen lines, Dynamic Body Balancing/craniosacral focuses on the alignment and movement of cranial bones, the nervous system, and the freedom of the fascial system.
Doulas are support people for people through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum to help them find their preferences, assert their needs, share information that may support them, give emotional and physical support, and problem-solve with them as things evolve and change.